Blacksburg, Virginia
23 days ago
Molecular Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Counter Wildlife Trafficking

Embark on a transformative journey alongside Professor K. Alexander at Virginia Tech spearheading a pioneering partnership between Virginia Tech, the Botswana government, and the not-for-profit NGO CARACAL (Centre for African Resources: Animals, Communities and Land Use). Together, these agencies are creating a ground-breaking initiative to establish a state-of-the-art Wildlife Forensic Science Laboratory (WFSL) in the wildlife-dense region of northern Botswana in Kasane. This cutting-edge facility will empower researchers and law enforcement professionals to swiftly leverage DNA evidence in the fight against wildlife trafficking in northern Botswana and create new knowledge and tools to counter wildlife trafficking in this region and beyond.

The successful candidate will play a lead role in establishing the forensic molecular laboratory alongside partners in Botswana in particular development of next generation sequencing applications, microsatellite genotyping, and associated bioinformatics.

The candidate will coordinate project administration including purchasing project monitoring, reporting, communications, scheduling of meetings and workshops, and training among other responsibilities.

The candidate will be expected to publish key findings in high level peer-reviewed journals with team members from VT, CARACAL, and the Botswana Government.

Other Key Responsibilities:
• Coordinate vendor-provided equipment training and maintain necessary records.
• Develop, implement, and ensure compliance with Virginia Tech and Botswana Government biosafety and environmental health requirements for laboratory safety.
• Laboratory and staff management and training (US and Botswana).
• Data management and quality control.
• Provide statistical and bioinformatics molecular analytical workflows.

Project activities and time differences between Botswana and USA may require the applicant to work longer hours, evenings, or on the weekend. Position offers the opportunity to travel to Bostwana to execute project requirements as needed. The position is primarily located in Blacksburg, VA.

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