50 days ago
Power Platform Solutions Architect

At Perficient you’ll deliver mission-critical technology and business solutions to Fortune 500 companies and some of the most recognized brands on the planet. And you’ll do it with cutting-edge technologies, thanks to our close partnerships with the world’s biggest vendors. Our network of offices across North America, as well as locations in India and China, will give you the opportunity to spread your wings, too.

 We’re proud to be publicly recognized as a “Top Workplace” year after year. This is due, in no small part, to our entrepreneurial attitude and collaborative spirit that sets us apart and keeps our colleagues impassioned, driven, and fulfilled.

 About Our Microsoft National Business Unit:

Perficient is proud to be one of just 38 partners recognized as a Microsoft National Solution Provider (NSP) Partner, and one of only seven Global NSP Partners. This distinction means that we are considered one of the top Solution Providers in the country. We architect, design and implement solutions leveraging Microsoft business application technologies for a diverse mix of customers in many different industries. In 2016, Perficient was honored as Microsoft’s US National Partner of the Year and we’ve received recognition every year since, including the 2020 Health Innovation Award, and 2021 Healthcare Partner of the Year finalist.  We enjoy being part of this elite group, and it inspires us to do exceptional work every day.

At Perficient, a Solutions Architect is expected to play a leadership role, and you’ll be given a great deal of responsibility to manage large projects, solve complex problems, and share responsibility for the overall success of the project.

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