28 days ago
Senior Software Engineer

Our customers run their businesses on our platforms and our mission is to provide them with best-in-class compute, storage, networking, database, machine learning, artificial intelligence, security, and foundational services. Oracle can provide you the opportunity to build and operate a suite of massive scale, integrated cloud services in a broadly distributed, multi-tenant cloud environment. Oracle is committed to providing the best in platforms, including cloud, that meet the needs of our customers who are tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges. We offer unique opportunities for smart, hands-on engineers with the expertise and passion to solve difficult problems in distributed highly available services and virtualized infrastructure. At every level, our engineers have a significant technical and business impact designing and building innovative new systems to power our customer’s business critical applications.

We are looking for engineers with distributed systems experience. You should have experience with the design of major features and launching them into production. You’ve operated high-scale services and understand how to make them more resilient. You work on most projects and tasks independently.

The ideal candidate will be technically strong and get a lot done – you’ve worked on services that are highly available, scalable, and redundant. You understand that simple systems are easier to operate and troubleshoot. You can balance speed and quality with iteration and incremental improvements. You’ve made life easier for other developers and have motivated your teams to make both process and service improvements with your ability to automate and instrument properly to get the right data. You understand operational excellence and how to instill a culture of being proactive with your teammates. You find anomalies in graphs that didn’t trip any alarms and root cause problems before they become real problems.

The person in this role will get a lot done on a daily basis, drive tactical execution of features and projects, and own feature design.

Career Level - IC3

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